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Internet-Recordings : YELLOW CAKE [013]

Catalog number
Playtime: 6:27 - 320kb/s - 12.09 MB
Date released
Date published
2012/05/28 20:51h



neuro2-steptechgermanymidrangedrum & bassstepperbudoka Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

Budoka, based in Darmstadt near Frankfurt in Germany, is a passionate music freak, producer, DJ, musician, occasional event promoter, co-owner of the defunct Drum & Bass label Tilt-Recordings, founding member of the Phishmaol Crew of (g)olden days (together with his brother DJ Malice, forgotten genius Rayman, veteran MC Santana and DJ Gargamel aka Tyrell aka world famous Techno producer Jens Zimmermann among others) and proffessional sound engineer at a public broadcasting radio station. He has been active as a DJ in the German Drum & Bass scene since the mid/late 1990s and was playing drums and guitar in a good number of bands from Hardcore/Metal/Punk to Reggae and Live-Hip Hop. He has also been busy in the studio producing Drum & Bass (mostly, but not only, technoid and dancefloor oriented), the occasional Techno/House tune and beats for the Hip Hop project">Oberton together with his band and crew mate Eli MC (in 2003 they put out a">12" EP with six tunes via their own one-off label "Traumsoldaten Records").
Over the years Budoka has released 10 Drum & Bass tunes on eight 12" vinyl singles and five tunes digitally via Tilt-Recordings (all available as free mp3 downloads today), another tune on the infamous German Neurofunk label">Protogen and one on .shadybrain (the first commercial digital Drum & Bass label). He has also put out 13 free tunes on T-FREE and one each on Silbarueckenbeatz Entertainment and the Future Forum Sampler 2010 plus another 3 (inofficially) via Tilt-Recordings. Several more are scheduled on Silbarueckenbeatz Entertainment, Delta 9 and T3K Recordings.

Budoka links: Soundcloud, Myspace,">Discogs

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