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la pikki pikki records : Wind Child EP

Catalog number
Playtime: 19:59 - 320kb/s - 37.47 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/10/19 20:23h



electrorecordscheesela-pikki-pikkilapikkimoodsheepchesavondetroit breakswindchildroboticlogiccheapclipnotic Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

Chesavon's Wind Child EP takes you on a trip through moody atmospheres and broken Detroit sounds.

Wind Child is a down-tempo track which carries deep emotions by choirs and well dosed piano parts. Clipnotic developed the adequate club complement - a driving but fine beat combined with some 80s flair but keeping the spirit of the original. Robot Logic and Cheap Sheep Cheese are simply floorfillers. Be sure to adjust the volume down or to wear a helmet before starting the tracks and getting pushed through that broken landscape of beats, synths and basses.

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