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Bushmen Records : Westcoast Trip

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Playtime: 24:07 - 192kb/s - 27.13 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/09/11 16:48h



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Release Notes

Westcoast Trip by The X-Structure


Released: 2008Album: 01Foreword by Epic BeardSome believe that there is only now and that the past does not matter anymore. It is over and done with. There is no more use for it. I however think it not, for it is our past that makes us who we are today. We should acknowledge it and accept it as who we are. Yet in knowning this we should not let our past keep us bound to our failures and regrets or let it dictate to us what we are to be and do now. We should in fact remember it for what it was and take what beauty there was in those moments now past and carry them forward and onwards in our dreams.Westcoast TripThe music found between the covers of this album is a recollection of the west coast section of a trip that took place in 2006. It was preformed by The X-Structure in mid 2008 as their first assignment under the direction of APE and is therefore also their debut album.Now this is the story of the Westcoast Trip, where two rugged adventurers, Starrzan and Flock, set off on an epic journey between two oceans. It took them from the point of the Cape of Good Hope, all along the westcoast of South Africa, to a small bay known as Elandsbay. On their way they visited the many fascinating towns and places found along the way. Once they reached Elandsbay they surfed its legendary waves, explored an abandoned fishing factory and discovered an ancient Bushmen cave scattered with mysterious and intriguing rock art. They then made their way inland over the wild mountains of the Cederberg, through the valley of Ceres and into the Overberg where they finally reached their mountain retreat at Montagu. From here they travelled to the southern most point of Africa, found at Cape Agulhas, completing their trip between the Atlantic and the Indian Oceans. As with all trips they had to head back home but they kept their hearts on the memory of their adventure and their eyes on the beautiful land as it passed them by.(cover photos by Flock)// Track listing01. New Mission02. Skypilot03. Strive to honour04. The Gift of All05. Subversive06. Subterranean low-tech07. Sunrise Showdown


Released: 2008Album: 01Foreword by Epic BeardSome believe that there is only now and that the past does not matter anymore. It is over and done with. There is no more use for it. I however think it not, for it is our past that makes us who we are today. We should acknowledge it and accept it as who we are. Yet in knowning this we should not let our past keep us bound to our failures and regrets or let it dictate to us what we are to be and do now. We should in fact remember it for what it was and take what beauty there was in those moments now past and carry them forward and onwards in our dreams.Westcoast TripThe music found between the covers of this album is a recollection of the west coast section of a trip that took place in 2006. It was preformed by The X-Structure in mid 2008 as their first assignment under the direction of APE and is therefore also their debut album.Now this is the story of the Westcoast Trip, where two rugged adventurers, Starrzan and Flock, set off on an epic journey between two oceans. It took them from the point of the Cape of Good Hope, all along the westcoast of South Africa, to a small bay known as Elandsbay. On their way they visited the many fascinating towns and places found along the way. Once they reached Elandsbay they surfed its legendary waves, explored an abandoned fishing factory and discovered an ancient Bushmen cave scattered with mysterious and intriguing rock art. They then made their way inland over the wild mountains of the Cederberg, through the valley of Ceres and into the Overberg where they finally reached their mountain retreat at Montagu. From here they travelled to the southern most point of Africa, found at Cape Agulhas, completing their trip between the Atlantic and the Indian Oceans. As with all trips they had to head back home but they kept their hearts on the memory of their adventure and their eyes on the beautiful land as it passed them by.(cover photos by Flock)// Track listing01. New Mission02. Skypilot03. Strive to honour04. The Gift of All05. Subversive06. Subterranean low-tech07. Sunrise Showdown

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