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restingbell : Wegwerpwee

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Catalog number
Playtime: 34:52 - 235kb/s - 47.72 MB
Date released



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Release Notes

Bas van Huizen is a sound and visual artist (video/animation) from Nijmegen the Netherlands. You may know him from his "Ontgalman"-release on test tube or from his physical releases on Etherkreet records. A label focusing on electroacoustic and improvised music, which he runs together with Ezra Jacobs."Wegwerpwee" contains 8 tracks. According to Bas most of the material is older than "Ontgalman", but he mixed and remastered everything for this release. And it is a wonderful piece of electroacoustic-experimental-ambient-music. "Wegwerpwee" has a rough, down-to-earth, handmade touch. Very drony, with background-noises, hisses, crackles, melody layers, all mixed and set together very carefully and subtly.Please also have a listen to "Ontgalman" at test tube and his output on Etherkreet. And to maximise your pleasure: Make sure to listen with headphones.

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