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audiotalaia netlabel : Wave - Pulp

Catalog number
Playtime: 01:02 - 320kb/s - 112.56 MB
Date released
Date published
2009/12/24 00:54h



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Release Notes

Audiotalaia is proud to present the work of portuguese artist Jorge Nunes. This is a really special release for us because many reasons. Principally because is the first time that Audiotalaia hosts a work done with non digital processing systems. Also WAVE / PULP is a two for the price of one album. It contains two tracks that are sisters in a really special way. Also it's the 20th release in Audiotalaia and we want to thank all the people who had made this possible.

Jorge Nunes bases it's work in live improvisation. He likes to manipulate instruments and non musical objects and synthetisers. And that is WAVE / PULP an experiment where different generes in music merge in two extensive compositions.

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