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RecyclingRecords : Waking Up The Sun

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Catalog number
Playtime: 14:06 - 256kb/s - 21.15 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/06/25 17:16h



experimentalglitchfreejazzfolkplunderphonicsavantgardepsychoetno Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

During one of the first nights of April a group connected with Charles Bukowski's Whisky Club performed cacophonic ritual of waking up the sun on the top of mountain X over the bay Y. The ritual – strongly influenced by Slavic neo-paganism – is a form of reuniting with Nature glorified by sounds and lets the cosmic energies flow through participators, their ideas & their music. All emotions of these moments flew out unimpeded through instruments in an easygoing jam session in unusual circumstances of nature. Edited version of what was played during that event - of which successors will be speaking in poems for a long long time after – is track presented here: digital clash of psycho-folk and way-too-free jazz made from original recordings with a sense of humor typical for Recycling Records. Or maybe it all never happened...

Whisky Club Ensemble were:

Ania – sound recording, melorecitation
Artur 'Bob Barley' – guitar, african wooden bells, positive vibrations
Basia – violin, choirs, bodhran
Damian – flute, bodhran, trumpet, violin
Dariusz Uigeadail The First – guitar, choirs
Marcin – trumpet, flute
Ubik – laptop, bodhran, flute, violin
Peter Von Kurus – melorecitation, freshness
Maciek - sound recording, melorecitation
Wiesiek – sound recording, melorecitation, cover photo.

Loud Uigeadail! to Bart & Karolina

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