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VKRS : Vilande och stigande

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Catalog number
Playtime: 59:52 - 320kb/s - 112.25 MB
Date released
Date published
2012/04/22 00:10h



dub technohoaxvkrsdj setinsectoramasuecaeparavs/kurayamiagorallakillaherzrob velasquezmarko fürstenbergjon le bonhaventepemimedeep in dubcicm sound Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

” The style is emotinally oriented dub techno.A type of music which I associate with both slow bodily movements, a form of dancing, as well as relaxation. I hope you will draw something meaningful while listening to this. ” Suecae

Suecae DJ Set : Vilande och stigande : VKRSDJ003


01 : Para - Flow,
02 : VS/Kurayami - Murano Reduction,
03 : VS/Kurayami - Murano,
04 : Hoax - Iris,
05 : Agoralla - ()()()()(),
06 : Killaherz - Dub for kids,
07 : Killaherz - Ave somebody,
08 : Rob Velasquez - Changing wind,
09 : Rob Velasques, Paralell verse,
10 : Marko Fürstenberg - Falling leaves,
11 : Jon Le Bon - Neptuner,
12 : Haventepe - o 403

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