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fish recordings : Valevo - Sekira

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Catalog number
Playtime: 5:51 - 320kb/s - 10.97 MB
Date released
Date published
2009/10/24 16:59h



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Release Notes

release number five on fish recordings is here:VALEVO - "SEKIRA" [fishrecordings / FISH005]the axe has many forms and specialized uses but generally consists of an axe head with a handle. it is an perfect example for a simple machine. modern axes are specialized by use, size and form. the axe is comprised of two primary components, the axe head, and the haft. the axe head is typically bounded by the bit at one end, and the poll at the other. the top corner of the bit where the cutting edge begins is called the toe, and the bottom corner is known as the heel. either side of the head is called the cheek, which is sometimes supplemented by lugs where the head meets the haft, and the hole where the haft is mounted is called the eye. the part of the bit that descends below the rest of the axe-head is called the beard, and a bearded axe is an antiquated axe head with an exaggerated beard that can sometimes extend the cutting edge twice the height of the rest of the head.this very useful information is essential for your life. try to remember it each and everyday, learn from it and if you do not have an axe: go and buy one!...ah and btw: "sekira" means "axe" (just for those of you who did not know this).


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