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mastik : Upon Reflection Feel Free

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Catalog number
Playtime: 11:21 - 320kb/s - 21.28 MB
Date released
Date published
2013/07/14 01:32h



dnbjungleatmosphericintelligentliquiddrum and bassatmospheric drum and bassliquid funk Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

We are very excited to announce this seductive debut on mastik netlabel by Dan Guidance!

The opening track "Upon reflection" starts off with subtle vocals blended by mellow pads and bright atmospherics held together by sharp and punchy percussion. Techy bass make this track feel like it is constantly moving forward.

"Feel Free" is like a summer breeze, unwinding the stress of the day and tickling with gentle jazzy vibes. In addition deep sub bass and filtered chords yields quite an oldschool sound.

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