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Bypass : Underwater Luminescence

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Catalog number
Playtime: 55:59 - 320kb/s - 104.97 MB
Date released
Date published
2009/09/15 09:56h



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Release Notes

This album is inspired by Marcel Gherman alias Megatone’s father’s book “Language In The World Of The Unspoken” about animal language. An excerpt from the book is added. Admiring nature’s beauty and perfection we become closer to a deeper understanding, to an inner truth that defies all conflicts and suffering of our harsh human world. The mysterious language of living light “…In the captivating book by famous soviet naturalist V.V. Lunkevich “Biology for fun” we find the following text, which seems to be, by its colourfulness and diversity, even more majestic than any fairytale scene: “He saw an extraordinary image. In front of him are passing by, sometimes in compact groups, sometimes one by one, some strange beings: at first they seem like umbrellas or bells – they are small size medusas, spreading a light sometimes blue, or green, or yellow, or purple. Among these moving lights floats peacefully, without signs of hurry, a giant medusa with an umbrella measuring 60-70 centimeters in diameter. A little farther there are fishes spreading light. As a lightning passes the moonfish, which indeed seems like a moon on the background of the other luminescent fishes. One of the fishes has “burning” eyes, another has on its head some kind of appendix, whose edge is like a lighting bulb, another one has a long wire hanging from its inferior jaw, like a little “lamp”, and other fishes “burn” completely, this because of some organs situated along their bodies like lighting bulbs spread on a string… On the bottom of the sea, among rocks and algae there are lurking mollusks and luminescent worms. On their bodies they have bright lines, spots or points shining like diamonds in light; on the openings of the underwater rocks throne starfishes also flooded in light, here also we find a lobster that lightens its way with its gigantic eyes, seeming like spread out telescopes, examining its hunting terrain.” The phenomenon is not less interesting when it is witnessed by a sensitive observer situated out of the water. This is how K. Paustovski saw it: “The sea was burning! I started to watch carefully. Even now I can’t believe that what I’ve seen was real. In such cases people tend to say that reality seems like a dream, but it’s not true. The sight in front of me seemed more wonderful than the most beautiful dream. The sea was simply burning. It seemed that its bottom was made out of marble lightened from below by a moonlike fire. The light was spreading to the horizon and there, where the darkness became like a violet ink, the sky was shining as if it were covered by a silver fog. The large line of light faded slowly. But after a short period of darkness, the sea transformed itself again into a sky full of stars, unknown, dropped to our feet. Billions of stars, hundreds of Milky Ways were floating under the sea. Fading out, they dived to the very bottom, or relightened, rising to the surface. The eye discriminated two types of light: one still, balancing slowly on the water, and another – all in continuous motion, slashing the water in rapid and violent flashes. It was the awakened fishes agitating underwater. The white fire was spreading out towards the beach and you could see clearly the bottom of the sea. Stones and tin objects were covered by a thin burning layer… I was witnessing one of the greatest phenomena in the world”.” Contact:

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