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itsu jitsu : UK1 - UK2

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Catalog number
Playtime: 36:03 - 320kb/s - 67.59 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/06/20 12:44h



noiseelectronicindustrialanalogueebmsampledsocio-politicalanti-fascism Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

Harsh, unrelenting, repetitive, noisy. All words with negative connotations but not when Corroded Master is using them as tools to comment upon how little the world has changed since 1945 and the end of the last great war.

UK1 slowly unfolds with pounding beat and bassline, dripping with distortion and grit. The track quickly becomes so hypnotic that by the time Sir Winston Churchill starts reciting one of his most famous of WWII speeches at the five minute mark it comes as a sudden wake up call, as much a call to arms for the listener and our modern World as it was for a World on the brink of disaster all those years ago.

UK2 sees us back with Sir Winston this time addressing his peers in the House of Commons as opposed to the British Public. The sample of the speech is clearer, much less distorted than on UK1 but soon becomes hidden beneath rippling, coruscating beats and swathes of analogue synthesizer. After the passion and fire of his speech on UK1 here we have a tired sounding man reeling off facts about the battles fought, buried under the weight of his responsibilities and the darkness which has befallen mankind but still full of respect and admiration for every man, woman and child who fought to protect our freedom.

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