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BFWrecordings : Too late for the peace

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Catalog number
Playtime: 16:00 - 163kb/s - 15.51 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/08/08 22:37h



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Release Notes


Total running time: 15:58

The first release on BFW recordings from Elypixa. 'Too Late For The Peace' is lush IDM - ambient, glitchy and immensely beautiful. Elypixa is a self-taught composer of electronic music, he has very distant English origins... He lives in France and has been composing since 2000. He does not know music theory, he knows very little in music itself! His favorite sentence is : "Any wrong note played is an awkward false note. Any wrong note played with conviction is a ... Improvisation." Since he started in music, he keeps discovering new things, experimenting - he breaks down the sounds, disequations. For him, there is not barrier sound in his music, a sense memory, at the same level as tastes, smells. He does not seek to target a category of person with his music, he does not want to store in boxes.


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