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suRRism-Phonoethics : Tonale Stein EP

Catalog number
Playtime: 23:50 - 320kb/s - 44.69 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/02/06 15:31h



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Release Notes


suRRism-PhonoethicsProudly Presents Krupnik / Roberto Cavallera & his‘Tonale Stein EP’, a capture project!"tonale stein" is from a captcha's text (captcha's texts are also the titles of the tracks 04, 05, 06)hm#1: is a processed ground noise from a psychiatric film footageclytocibe diatreta: it's a simple (raw) loop of a sound found in an old floppy diskalles aus liebe: is a combination of sounds to which i've added a bad decoded audio of a dialogue from a german sitcom episode (i think) titled: "alles aus liebe"ardor in: a combination of processed found soundslorie liszka: a processed radio signal of the italian radio channel "rai"must umbrage: a processed multiple radio signals"by Roberto Cavallera Receive your eligible copy here: here: Krupnik - 'Tonale Stein EP' (mp3 and covers)

Visit this Master: Roberto Cavallera


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