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CascadeRecords : This is the tape!

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Catalog number
Playtime: 20:32 - 192kb/s - 23.10 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/07/31 12:28h



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Release Notes

ElecTRONicks - This Is The Tape

Here is a nearly discarded mixtape from 2009 titled “lost or forgotten ,“ by ElecTRONicks, an ex-producer from Paris who recently stopped making beats for personal reasons. We’re putting this out hoping you will discover or rediscover this dope tape today and help keep it alive. ElecTRONicks has been a part of some amazing projects in recent years (2007-2009) including the famous, “Space Invaders Radio.” He kindly gave us permission to share all the work he did during his, now past, beatmaking days, so we decided to make a small tribute to this man and ill beatmaker by offering, for free, his last mixtape released in 2009.

Big up’ to our man Repeat Pattern for sharing this with us and digging this “Sweat.Atmospheric.Jazz Beat.Tape.” and, all the best to ElecTRONicks. We wish you well on all your life endeavors!

Enjoy it! Cascade Records

Artwork by Low

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