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Little Rascal Records : This Vibe EP

Playtime: 8:20 - 320kb/s - 15.62 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/04/11 14:48h



dnbbreaksdubwiseaustralianaussieindigenousdub and bass Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes


Little Rascal Records





released 18th December 2008


A.) This Vibe – SLS vs Spiral Soundsystem (with bala Damon R-P Leftwich)

B.) Breakblip – SLS (featuring. BazBaz)



SLS is a free – spirited female electronic artist who wanders Australian coastlines indefinitely in the search for inspiration, excitement and whatever else she finds on her journeys. Her nomadic lifestyle influences her approach to music production, which makes her non- loyal to the one genre, but rest assured there will always be broken beats, heavy basslines and dubby vibes in the mix.  Being so passionate about so many genres, its hard to pinpoint her main influence, however, Drum N Bass, Dub, Dubstep and Breaks is what she connects with best!

After years of gaining inspiration whilst working on boats overseas and in Australia, SLS decided to come home and study her passion, Audio, which has lead her to a career in Live Sound Engineering and advanced her in music production, and collaborations with others.

There are no boundaries in genre, tempos or samples used when it comes to the next track this girl produces…. You will never know what's coming next!


Mastered by:

'Jack the Bear' at Deluxe Mastering, Melbourne, Australia.



Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Australia License.


Both tracks written and produced by SLS – Sarah Martin.

Track A collaboration with Brett Caporn, vocals by bala Damon R-P Leftwich.

Track B collaboration with Stephane Benchemol

Made in Australia


produced and distributed by Little Rascal Records

under creative commons license 2.5 Australia.



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Thanks and respect to the spirit of our land.


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