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crazy language : This EP

Released on
Catalog number
Playtime: 21:17 - 320kb/s - 39.91 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/05/13 20:49h



Give Love
Give Rubel ?

Release Notes

This is ThisRejoyce! “This EP”, all the way from Macedonia stands as a landmark for Crazy Language for being the first gal produced EP on the label! In the land of male geeks, some light as been shed, alongside with originality and expert crafts(wo)manship from Nina on self recorded/developed beats that keep on evolving and cracking your brain at every twisted turn. It has a very DIY feeling throghout and whilst most of the immediate work is beat-driven, you’ll also find extremely mellow and intricate lo-fi melodies hiding behind the intense foley recordings.A meeting of the best deconstructing digital techniques, original recorded work, allied with a unique way of making song structures sets the bar very high for future Autemu releases. [F.G.]

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