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Bake The Break : The Urban Bakery 1

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Catalog number
Playtime: 33:00 - 320kb/s - 61.88 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/09/26 20:52h



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Release Notes

“The Urban Bakery 1″ – Drum’n’Bass EP containing 6 tracks from one Austrian (Konnekt) and two Polish producers: MXC and Karel Craft. Tunes vary from melodic liquid funk to more edgy dancefloor killers. One thing is sure – all the tracks are as hot as taken out straight from oven!

Keep It Burning opens the album with a massive energy, perfect for the peak time on a dancefloor.
Second track – Take Your Time is a tribute to oldshool sounds, balancing between liquid melody and shaking bass.
Third tune takes full advantage from the titled Three Elements – melody, harmony and rhythm… on acid.

Time for an uplifting vocal tune – Don’t Go Changing: smooth yet powerful, perfect for crazy summer love making.
The unique atmosphere of Triple-A Replica is designed to open minds and see further horizons.
Final tune feels like standing Over The Edge of a plane with a parachute – get ready to jump!

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