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Laverna : The Silent Bride

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Playtime: 35:56 - 320kb/s - 67.38 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/11/17 02:02h



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Release Notes

Sentimental Machines: The Dreamed Dream by Mirco Salvadori Be aware that by absurdity reality is life breathed during moments of unconscious distance from what is real, instants or, perhaps, long sequences of events diluted in the muffled world of the indefinite, temporary suspensions when eyes close to better scan the silent throb of sentiment. This means losing oneself like letting one's hand go with violent Sonic Ecstasy after grasping it romantically and plunge into a sensuous and shattering dronic delirium; like a dream in which the ruthless and cruel demons of the End coexist, chased by harmonic visions wrapping together even the most obscure temptations of the mind in a deafening magnificence. Human work, it is, assembled step by step, directly within the core of a heart that lives and pulses inside a machine, supplied with the blood, the tears and the love that only Man can generate and offer. Responsive sentimental machines land onto Laverna which proudly stretches its virtual forefinger towards the pushbutton enabled to turn them on, meant there to give voice to Attilio Novellino, Gianfranco Candeliere and Saverio Rosi for a project that includes the participation of Emanuele Tonon, reading passages from his own romance 'Il Nemico' (The Enemy) edited by Isbn Edizioni, and Pippo Galipò with his 'Madonna con Bambino' (The Lady and the Child), which provides the Icon to the release. The machines that move the Sentiments have started running, let them work, let your dreamed dreams nourish their slow quivering. "…me and my silent bride only make love when sleeping, together we dream that we make love; then when we are awake we remember the love made while asleep" Emanuele Tonon "Il Nemico" - Isbn Edizioni translation by Simona Taffurelli

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