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Yarn Audio : The Lost Remixes

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Playtime: 15:19 - 320kb/s - 28.72 MB
Date released
Date published
2014/01/07 21:38h



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Release Notes

Back in April 2012 Yarn Audio kicked off with the stripped-down “Locked“ EP by South African drum-machine lunatic, Zimbra Sound. A few months later we followed up with American producer Balloon Fight's experimental “Ham. No Mayo“ EP. Five exclusive mixes and two releases later, as per Yarn's label-mission, we proudly present the freshest remixes of our first two EPs.

The first remix comes from upcoming British bass-producer Hutyluty, a recent addition on the underground label Loft Party. Hutyluty has re-worked Zimbra Sound’s “Sport For All“ into a percussive, airy bass-tool. Next comes fellow Brit Horner, who’s remix of Zimbra Sound’s “Locked“ takes down the tempo and intensity of the original and brings hypnotic sub-bass and deconstructed chords and vocals to the mix. Finally, American producer, multi-instrumentalist and Audio Esperanto-signing DJSur deals with Balloon Fight’s “Ham. No Mayo“. His spaced-out, house-infused version transforms Yarn’s weirdest EP to date into an intoxicating club smasher.

And that's not all!! We hope to break the barrier between musician and listener, producer and consumer by releasing remix-stems of each EP so everyone can get involved at the click of a download icon. – check our Soundcloud for links! Lastly, there is a lot of banging Yarn-material getting polished for release right now so keep your eyes and ears open! We can’t wait to share the next Remix-EP with you…

Mastering: Aldo Lamanna / Dan Surowiec

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