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this side music : The Joint Stereo EP

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Catalog number
Playtime: 52:58 - 320kb/s - 99.31 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/10/23 03:49h



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Release Notes

After participating in various projects. remixing & producing tracks, Lee Fraged returns back to base for his debut personal EP, aptly named "The Joint Stereo EP". Lee provides three deep, dubby, house tracks, as a creative result of his sleepless nights in Chania & Berlin the last years. This EP is a soundtrack of a life between these cities, a collection of sounds, images & contrasts, further enhanced by a solid set of remixes. Our boy, Double Trouble transforms 'Bless the Sinners' into a modern deep house piece with an early 00's feel while Fraged & his serbian pal Mthaza give their own take on the same track - previously available only on the cd compilation Late Night Express. On the other hand, the man behind the mixing desk - Soniferous Garden - offers his interpretations on the other two tracks, by turning in a peudoacid and an antistatic mix.

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