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restingbell : The Fire Will Die At Night

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Playtime: 50:34 - 320kb/s - 94.81 MB
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Release Notes

"Fire rushes across the mountain. Its beautiful, and its all around me now. But the fire will die at night and I will realise that I am alone, remembering the way things used to be. This night has come too soon." Ian D Hawgood 03/11/07 00:45

4 tracks of enormous beauty are presented by Ian D Hawgood on "The Fire Will Die At Night". With great soundscapes and multiple layers of different soundsources, this EP catches you and leaves you with a soft shiver over your back. Ian creates a warm and gentle ambience with soft glitches, some percussions, beats and wide spaces. All woven together very, very subtley.

Enjoy this great piece of music on the border between ambient and electronica.

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