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Manifest Northwest Recordings : The Awakening Of Nibiru

Catalog number
Playtime: 11:17 - 320kb/s - 21.16 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/07/19 11:38h



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Release Notes

A couple of delicious minimal delights await you upon your download of our latest and greatest. Hitting your eardrums direct from Argentina, Matias Rapacioli shows how they do down there, and boy have they got it right. Starting off with the title track, a moody intro begins the journey before coming in with the tightly sequenced beats. Trippy stabs and tribal funkiness abound. Tripping Nebula continues the formula for success with pounding kicks and a throbbing bassline. Minimal of the highest quality, we are as pleased to welcome Matias into the fold as you will be adding him to your music collections. Viva Argentina!

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