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top 40 : Teddy Bear

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The god damn' rave music is dead? Bullshit! Now you have a definite proof. From the heart of Love parade dance movement, the mysterious guru of techno/house dancefloor madness arrives, and he brings this solid smash-hit booster for your dance-x-tatic hardcore hysteria!We don't know much about George, except that he lives in the suburbs of Dresden and he rarely walks out of his recording studio: thanks to the global networking, he is now able to order some pizza or release a brilliant mini-album on Russian net-label all in a few mouse-clicks.He was a sound engineer on a few Cher seven-inches of her early Geffen period and also an active member of rave movement in the middle of 90's, but later he focused on producing records for numerous techno and house musicians in Germany and all over the Europe, UK and even USA on a few occasions. "One day I realize, that I don't have to visit record shop to enlarge my DJ collection - I was producing enough records by my own, like 10 or 20 tracks a month. It was a little bit too much, and I take a break".For almost 10 years. It was a huge gap in his musical career, and George spent this time hanging around, traveling around the world, enjoying jazz recordings from the early 50's.He started making music again last year, and now he's able to share his recordings for free on the internet. "I was always dreaming about it, but in the 90s the only available media for transferring music from my studio to my listeners was a vinyl record. You have to spend some money to make the 12-inch, and that's why you have to earn some money as a compensation. But nowadays I can share my music on the net with any amount of people around the world I can only imagine. For free. Without spending any money. Dreams come true. Finally".So what we got here? Drop-dead gorgeous tech-beat-house megahit Teddy Bear (including extended Club version and the 80's-italo influenced Disco bear sexy mix) and a couple heavy-bass post-rave hits: hard-jumpin' Superstar, powerful Flavour of z drive, and ecstatic body-shaking song I Got You.

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