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SERIES : Tapete rojo

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Playtime: 22:42 - 320kb/s - 42.56 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/01/25 21:20h



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Release Notes

SERIES Media presents “Tapete Rojo": five wonderful songs included in the new Panorama LP. This ep comes to light after the track "Paranoia" made part of the SERIES Vol.2 compilation. It is a great honor for SERIES to publish these pieces that show us the young musician Gregorio Gomez’ songwriter side who, together with Jose Santamaría ([neuma], protov), put these five satellites in orbit that will shine on our nights for a long time.These five songs were written in first person and talk about vulnerable beings facing nature, victims of desire and plunged into some romantic contemplation. Panorama focus their attention on subtle arrangements, the magic of guitars, synths, echoes and reverbs rather than taking the easy path and drawing attention to illusions. With a remarkable team of musicians, including Natalia Valencia and Juan Fernando Montoya, Panorama achieve an exceptional expressive level, permanently enjoyable from now until the end of times. With no fear of making a mistake, "Tapete Rojo" is a good sample of something unstoppable that is about to burst: a great album that will go down in the history of Latin-American music.

* Recorded in Medellín - Colombia 2011 * Coverart: Cabizbaja

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