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VKRS : Talk to Me EP

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Playtime: 16:31 - 256kb/s - 24.77 MB
Date released
Date published
2012/06/16 22:02h
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electronicapianoclassicaldowntempoloungevkrsmiranda shvangiradzecompositions Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

We are pleased to present Miranda Shvangiradze with her debut release on the VKRS Netlabel. Talk to Me is a four track ep of instrumental piano compositions flavored with electronica.

Miranda is originally from Georgia (Eastern Europe), but now resides in the USA. Her music is influenced by Mozart, Chopin, Georgian folk and many contemporary artists like Imogen Heap, Roykssopp, Coldplay, and Katie Melua.

Enjoy this VKRS Netlabel release.

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