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Catalog number
Playtime: 26:29 - 320kb/s - 49.66 MB
Date released
Date published
2009/12/26 12:02h



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Release Notes

SuperD'Orch is a digital orchestra. It was set up in 2009 as a combination of two research project briefs: to form and perform as a digital orchestra, and to use the audio programming language SuperCollider to build a performance environment.

The project explores the various issues that come with setting up a digital orchestra, which include issues relating to composition, performance and technology.

After much discussion, the group settled on the concept of a 'meta instrument'. SuperD'Orch then built project specific software applications using SuperCollider and Max/MSP which work together in various ways across the groups five laptops. Our performances are typically comprised of several musical pieces, each exploring a different compositional approach based upon the idea of the 'meta instrument' and the various ways in which it can be set up.

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