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VKRS : Synaesthesia Pre Release

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Playtime: 13:33 - 320kb/s - 25.41 MB
Date released
Date published
2012/08/22 22:13h
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electronicaexperimentalteknofilthgarage-electro Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

The VKRS Netlabel are pleased to present David Cheverton with his debut release on the netlabel.David currently resides in Kalulushi, Zambia, Africa, with influences covering a spectrum of JS Bach, Jean Michel Jarre to Marilyn Manson to name but a few.

His sound is described as Experimental Electroni-ca/Garage-Electro/Tekno/Filth built off anarchistic ideology and tends to have a "dark vibe".

He is also organizing a sound & art exhibition that will feature several (visual) artists (painters, a graffiti artist and a photographer) who will have their work displayed alongside a live performance by himself. The exhibition will be based/themed under his Electro Filth [Live Set]. This project will act as a farewell (on his behalf) to Zambia before settling in the UK.

For further information please visit

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We hope you enjoy this VKRS Netlabel release.

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