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restingbell : Symmetries

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Playtime: 25:30 - 196kb/s - 29.27 MB
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Release Notes

K.M.Krebs has been around in the internet-based-music-scene for a long time. His work consists of excellent releases on Treetrunk, Thinner, Nishi, Con-v and many more.

On "Symmetries" K.M.Krebs presents three minimal ambient pieces with a duration of about 25 minutes.

In every composition you can hear subtle repetitive fragments, little glitches and extensive, wide open soundscapes. It is a dense and complex work on multiple layers, taking you deeper and deeper into the own world of each piece, but you never loose the plot while listening to the tracks.

Note: The "Symmetries"-EP is inspired by a live show, K.M.Krebs did in April, 2007. You can download the recording of the show at Treetrunk:">

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