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Internet-Recordings : Surface Of The Sun and The Darkness Inside Remix [www009]

Catalog number
Playtime: 12:10 - 320kb/s - 22.81 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/07/07 16:00h



dubstepdeepmelodicwobbleapotheistaustriabowsarbowserel haijnginyu forcemidrangeroom Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

El Haijn from the Ginyu Force crew is an Austrian DJ and producer known to some degree in the Drum & Bass scene as Bowsar, the artist formerly known as Bowser. He appeared as such on www004 one year ago; also on Mindtech, Black Seeds, Nocid Business, Flight, Anxiety Disorder (r.i.p.), Producer Network (r.i.p.), T3K, T-FREE, Nu:Gen and Gun Recordings. As El Haijn he produces Dubstep and so far he has released tunes mostly on Dub Bullet, also on Twenty/Twelve Netaudio and one in the multi channel art project "2999" of Peppermill Recordings. More releases are planned on Monkey Dub, Tripstep and Stoke Audio.
Apotheist, like El Haijn, is a member (the youngest) of the Ginyu Force crew in Vienna where they organize parties from time to time, mostly with Drum & Bass line ups. In production he focusses on Dubstep and combines it with elements of Classical Music. He as well has released some tunes on Dub Bullet and Twenty/Twelve Netaudio.

El Haijn links: Soundcloud, Myspace, Discogs
Apotheist links: Soundcloud, Myspace, Discogs, Stonefred

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