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fish recordings : Stereotype-Algorythm

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Catalog number
Playtime: 5:59 - 320kb/s - 11.22 MB
Date released
Date published
2009/12/03 11:29h



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Release Notes

while there is no generally accepted formal definition of "algorythm",an informal definition could be "a process that performs some sequenceof operations." for some people, a program is only an algorythm if itstops eventually. for others, a program is only an algorythm if it stopsbefore a given number of calculation steps.a prototypical example of an "algorythm" is stereotype's track todetermine the maximum common divisor of two integers (x and y) which aregreater than one: we follow a series of steps: in step i, we subtract yfrom x (being the larger number) and find the remainder, which we callr1. then we move to step i + 1, where we substract r1 from y, and findthe remainder, which we call r2. if r2=0, we stop and say that r1 is thegreatest common divisor of x and y. if not, we continue, until rn=0.then rn-1 is the max common division of x and y. this procedure is knownto stop always and the number of subtractions needed is always smallerthan the larger of the two numbers.if you do not understand one word of that rubbish, never mind and check out stereotype's first track on fish recordings called "algorythm".

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