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Underpolen : Staff EP

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Playtime: 12:51 - 320kb/s - 24.09 MB
Date released
Date published
2014/03/12 13:48h



industrialmelancholicpost-industrialcoldwavepolishgothbleak Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

Menacing, bleak poetry combined with trembling, post-industrial groove, tinged with electronic gothic and neofolk...The band has a strong sense of dynamics, administering cold sounds, which evolve from seemingly simple repetitions into hypnotizing soundscapes.

From the band:

The third album by the band, "Staff" EP, was created in a duo, or even a trio Lech, the only constant member of the project, is responsible for the majority of music, and the arrangement and performance of vocal lines (as well as flute tracks) was taken care of by Agata, a vocalist with a wide studio and stage experience. The third, most important point of this triangle are the lyrics taken from a notable Polish poet, Leopold Staff.

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