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12rec : Sky Diaries EP

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Catalog number
Playtime: 23:42 - 256kb/s - 35.55 MB
Date published
2009/09/14 15:24h



Give Love
Give Rubel ?

Release Notes

The young lad behind the Crepusculum-moniker is Fred Baty from London. 'Crepusculum' is latin for sundown and suits the music of our December-release perfectly: the day is done, you're creeping home to take a rest, to chat with the ones you love, to do what life REALLY is about. This ambience of being-at-home is a also a fairly good Christmas-motive, so maybe the best time to enjoy Fred's Sky Diaries EP is now...What does it sound like? If you're down with the 12rec.-backcatalogue, you'll probably remember the Dusty Window EP by Californian Giraffe. Like him, Fred uses his acoustic guitar for most of his compositions. Folk is an important influence, and the boy Baty surely enjoys the last 40 years' classical Pop-bands. But in distinction to Giraffe, Fred doesn't intend to write 'songs' like them- his instrumental Pop-music avoids vocals, is built from clever structures, unusual harmonic layering and a talent to let songs end. No psychedelic Freak Folk-jams in here! The late Talk Talk might be a good comparison, you can mention Brian Wilson, Sufjan Stevens or German Postfolk-duo Taunus. In all, you will enjoy his music even if it is of no importance to you that Fred's influences are more like jazz, contemporary composing or folklore - beauty is something everyone understands.Big shout-outs to Bill 'Herzog' Bawden from the Serein-collective who contributed the remix!

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