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12rec : Skism EP

Released on
Catalog number
Playtime: 33:03 - 192kb/s - 37.18 MB
Date published
2009/09/14 15:30h



Give Love
Give Rubel ?

Release Notes

have you seen this short mobile-phone commercials a few month ago? you can watch a cool beauty folding her apartment and interior together, putting it all in her cute hand-bag. do you remember the soundtrack? i was confused finding more or less-known american bleep hop-kid dabrye set the music to an attvertisment-clip, and i was curious if skism couldnt have done as good as fact hes good at melodies, his beats are as tight as playful, and david brings it all together in pretty firm songs. consider cylinder, melt or especially guido de montifeltros spring top hat (you might know this one from the sbh!-sampler, remember?). electronic hip-hop with a strong harmonic basement, and nobody misses the rapper! ghostbuster skism adds two upright jazzy interludes (GBS & the elevator muzak stodj) and gets in contact with early autreche at flere or surfaise.with the replacement of his main computer, david lost all his tracks and only a couple of mixdowns were left. thanks to dataman, we could give the remaining data a proper mastering, althought you might recognize some minor crackling that shouldnt be there. at least this must have been motorolas base motive for not getting in contact with david...

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