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fish recordings : Sintax - Promise (Piano)

Released on
Catalog number
Playtime: 6:34 - 320kb/s - 12.31 MB
Date released
Date published
2009/11/24 00:19h



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Release Notes

this track comes in the piano version, so it has something to do with anpiano. maybe you will hear some vocal bits by richard clayderman or raycharles. or may be this is a collab track with lang lang (one of themost famous piano players of our time). it could also be the first drumand bass ballad ever featuring barry manilow or some jazz stuff withduke ellington or even some classical music with ludwig van beethoven orfrederic chopin. maybe it is a dnb musical together with george gershwinor some crazy free jazz with herbie hancock or something completely new:drum and bass rock'n'roll with jerry lee check out the track by sintax and find out if some of these famouspiano players are involved in the track called "promise".

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