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Laverna : Silent Microcosmos

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Playtime: 37:45 - 320kb/s - 70.78 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/11/22 23:16h



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Release Notes

The Immaculate Silence of MicrocosmsFrames resting gently apon the constant imagination of a dreamer, dilutedshots break the silence of sound that emerges spontaneously from the slowbreathing of nature that gradually transforms into genuine symphony of life.'Silent Microcosms ' is just that: a tribute to life, the slow slide alongour everday journey through reality, day after day. A heavy and treacherouspath , full of obstacles and pitfalls , disappointments and pain. Silentfeelings that belong to our microcosm that by altering the registration, aretransformed gradually into experiences of pure sensual sound, disconnectedfrom reality thanks to the violent call that calls for a poetic balancebetween a romantic future vision ofsensuality and a sentimental,furiouslyricism . Whether you use field recordings, instruments such as piano ,guitars and keyboards and high-tech machines , Stefano Guzzetti has theability to paint a changing world; that world that lives mainly inside us,inside those microcosms in which boundless Silence reigns Immaculate withinour dreams .Mirco Salvadori

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