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FUSELab : Salt Mine

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Playtime: 9:02 - 320kb/s - 16.94 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/08/01 10:04h



idm80sspaceelectrofunepicbassrawchunkytoytronic Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

Ok folks! Summer hole proceeds though we're still moving. So today Jumble is launching a fresh EP by our good mate out of US - Ohsaurus - BTW a head of Grappa Frisbee records.
This time Chris produces a space-rolled electro-hop joint based on classic 80s sci-fi motifs, raw bass, chunky IDM melodies and some kind of bright epic flow. You might say "again", but what's really original here - those toytronic vibes to make everyone moving their fingers along with old-school techniques to make you remember something old-good.
We used our classic release scheme for this project so just enjoy "Salt Mine" - it's free! Though, you can support us buying a losseless version on FUSELab BandCamp.

Cover by Maxim Kiritchenko & Evgeny Shchukin

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