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Fantomton : Rooting

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Catalog number
Playtime: 31:30 - 320kb/s - 59.06 MB
Date released
Date published
2009/11/24 01:27h



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Release Notes

"Rooting" ep is a starting point of Erased Bodies' music experience, where different genres interact and communicate through unusual beats and melodies, from IDM to glitch, from noise to electronic. "Rooting" is also a metaphorical name to describe Erased Bodies' quest to delete his "body" and look for a new intensity to produce new chaotic order. The first step of this quest is to find a root and start to erase - to substitute full with empty, give away what is already there and preparing to receive. Four tracks will guide you in this process, slowly dissolving and erase the music itself.

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Fantomton Playlist
Fantomton Playlist
Public Playlist
15 Tracks | Playtime: 01:35:33

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