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Enshrine : Reverse Microscopy

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Playtime: 15:24 - 320kb/s - 28.88 MB
Date released
Date published
2013/11/20 09:08h



ambientelectronicabstractenshrineunder the falling sky2013enn09 Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

Enshrine unveils it's ninth release and third EP from ambient artist Under The Falling Sky. Deep droning soundscapes and microscopic layers of unrecognizable beats makes this release an essential listen for every ambient and fan of abstract electronic music. Reverse Microscopy is definitely the most developed and mature work released on Enshrine so far.


This is a free / donation based release.
All music is previously unreleased.
Enshrine will also record music on physical formats in a near future and any donation/support is more than welcome!
Thank You!

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