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crazy language : Retrobotics und Space-Age Funk

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Playtime: 42:21 - 320kb/s - 79.41 MB
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Release Notes

High Energy

An amzing variety of styles and influences offers JFrank on his new album “Retrobotics und Space-Age Funk”. His homebase is the netlabel and so most of you know what to expect. The new album is relased by Crazy Language and it ties in with former releases, of course.

It might be not in the sense of the artist to peg this album as something familiar. JFrank's music is constantly breaking in styles and you will find everything from a straight bassline to convulated beats added to acid-sounding sequencies. His music creates a high energy feeling. Programmed breaks are perfectly timed and offer moments for a deep breath before the music starts again to push your head and your body. [DNN]

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