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Bypass : Remixes EP

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Catalog number
Playtime: 39:22 - 320kb/s - 73.81 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/01/02 12:51h



tech housedeep houseprogressive house Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

RuiD born in 1985 in Ulyanovsk town, Russia. After his EP "LoveBOX" released on Bypass #022, RuiD returns to Bypass with a new remix album "Remixes", an 4-track collection featuring remixes of Otzim Lee "Mom", ZhangJW "A3", Slava Join "Angel A" and Olympic Smoker "Instant Happyness". genres covered are Progressive House and Tech House. Enjoy.RuiD started with music at the age of 10. Liked Pumping House, House, Trance. In 2003 he was opened his own radioshow "Rodeo" on some radiostation. In 2005 became a president of some night club called Arbat. After one year he stopped DJing and said "to be famous DJ you need to play mainstream - I can't do that...", since 2006 he continuously works on his own creativity and said that "I don't work in a particular style, I am experimenting over and over!", as a result of his work there became a release on Pozitron Records called "Kanzas", on 2009 there was another release on Prakteek Sound, called "City EP". He plans to release the album on CD.

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