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PublicSpacesLab : Raindrops

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Catalog number
Playtime: 39:26 - 64kb/s - 14.79 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/12/29 19:46h



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Release Notes

PublicSpaces Lab first release presents the work of the Spanish/Portuguese duo “Torsion”

The project, that first started as an escape zone for the two musicians, turned to have a mind of its own and after some of their themes were published in such compilations as the ones published by Head Candy, they both started to take Torsion as a side project with a future.

January 2007 sees the two producers working together via the internet in order to make this new release.

The result is a EP that shows all the chill out potential of this duo starting with the theme “Sun drops on the Ocean” a theme set to make it to chill out bars and rooms this summer and ending with a long ambiental theme “14 Longest Days in History” while experimenting on themes like “LkLzDmLkL” and the surprising “Raindrops on the Sun” that includes vocals, something rare for this duo.

All in all “Raindrops” shows the flexibility of this two young producers but also the search for a specific sound that does not end in music styles or boundaries. The inclusion of a 4/4 electro beat at the end of “J’Aime” is an example of it, changing the downtempo of the track into something that will probably be remixed by some other artists more oriented to the dance floor, in the near future.

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