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Sucu Music : Radiation Overload

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Catalog number
Playtime: 43:37 - 320kb/s - 81.78 MB
Date released
Date published
2019/07/15 12:31h



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Release Notes

This first Orognon Sound Machine’s release on Sucumusic, out for the Netlabel Day 2019, aims to be what the title suggests: a dangerous overload of radiations.
That’s what you’ll be exposed to.
The creative mind of Salvatore, behind the project, lets us exlopre what pure instinct and composition flow means in electronic music. So you can’t say if you’re listening to IDM, breakbeats, industrial or some kind of weird dance music, coloured sometime by ninety-ish rhythmic and synths shades.
Often, the inspiration for a track starts from some sample sources on which the artist build his blurred sounds visions. More often this compositional happenings start and end in one session.
Every information and content can contribute to the creational process, so you will find tracks inspired not only by musicians and sound artists, but even by writers, painters, visual artists, for impossible – never completed – EP’s, all collected here to witness that the artist’s mind eye needs space and never stops looking around in search for something to satisfy his hunger.
Despite of different genres you will find in this album, you can easily feel a trait d’union: the precise will to create music letting instinct, rather than the rational brain, be the leader.
Wherever this may take, we can assure you that it will be a deep deep trip anyway.

- Gaetano Fontanazza

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