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Bypass : RAVEnous

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Catalog number
Playtime: 41:33 - 320kb/s - 77.91 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/01/11 13:35h



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Release Notes

MICROBIT PROJECT (Moscow, Russia) – one of side-projects by the musician, poet and Sound/Visual Poets Evgenij V. Kharitonov (EugeneKha, Yoko Absorbing). The project is created in the end of 2008 and originally it has been focused exclusively on experiments with lowbit sound (from 8 kbps to 48 kbps), however since December, 2008 under this pseudonym Evgenij V. Kharitonov lets out a various material which sounds more considerably, than music of project EugeneKha. Mainly it is industrial and post-industrial directions of electronic music: ELECTRO PUNK, NOISE & DRONE, INDUSTRIAL, HARDCORE PUNK, HARDCORE TECHNO, ACID, CHIPSTYLE and, of course, LOWBIT experiments. Albums, EP and Singles of Microbit Project were published on many international netlabels, Tape-labels and Floppy Disk Labels: Proc records, Microbit Records, Bypass Records, Abandonment, Super 6 Goodies, Amduscias records, Creative Obsession Netlabel, Love Torture Records, End Of Music, Unicode Music, [4m. @-records], TrashfuckNET, Abulia Concept, Sexual Records, HN, The Poorhouse, Oh! Bleep Records, Harsh Trip records...

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