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rawmatroid : Psychotic Pop Light

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Playtime: 22:09 - 320kb/s - 41.53 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/09/27 15:40h



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Release Notes

“Psychotic Pop Light” is the San Sebastian’s duo Biconnection work presented in this tenth reference of Rawmatroid Club. Three different stories told under the same original concept, which include a version of Kino International and a cover design by Jon Garcia Rodriguez

“My Pop Machine” seduces us with its beauty from beginning to end, in an electronic mix of breaks and a personal melody hard to forget.

In “The Light You Give Me” we heard a continuous percussive rhythms that mixes melodies and arpeggiated atmospheres, perhaps the craziest track of the whole EP.

“Psychotic Happiness” is the third theme: power and a great display of energy, an entire show of positivism that makes music marked by the personality of the duo.

As a bonus, in this tenth release of Rawmatroid Club, includes a version of “My Pop Machine” by Kino International, in which preserving the essence of the original track adds the characteristic sensitivity and emotional subtlety of the also Basque artist.

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