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escrec : Poke 20

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Catalog number
Playtime: 01:21:00 - 320kb/s - 151.88 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/01/05 11:16h



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Release Notes


Poke 20 offers an extra dimension in on-line music distribution; a free download album combined with a physical art project and blank CD. Poke 20 is initiated by the Dutch Productiehuis ON in collaboration with independent record label esc.rec.

Poke 20 is the sequel of the C64 Orchestra project in which a classical orchestra played newly arranged C64 game music, such as International Karate, Monty On The Run and Myth. In Poke 20 we re-returned the C64 Orchestra version of the Monty On The Run track to contemporary electronic composers and musicians to create their own remix version.

The Download album:Twenty-one musicians from around the globe have contributed their remix of Monty On The Run (the C64 Orchestra version) and agreed with a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA licensed Poke 20 release of their remix. You are therefore free to download, copy, distribute their remix versions but it would be nice to give them a big up if you enjoy their work.

The Art project:Ontwerpatelier designed a poster, remixing artwork supplied by the Poke 20 remixers. This poster serves as packaging for a blank CD. Poster and blank CD are both silk-screened and together they make a nice piece of art in a limited (and numbered) edition of 200 copies. You can order your limited edition poster and blank cd here (for only 10 euro ex. postage) and burn your Poke 20 downloaded tracks on it to complete your own personal piece of art.

Click here for the making of and here for more pictures of the finished product.


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