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top 40 : Pieces Of The Broken Road

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ambientglitchelectronictechnomelodicmellowambient technogranular Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

Dave Zeal is our second scout from Italian net-label Sine3pm (after Daniel Maze). He is making music for as long as he can even remember: playing piano in the childhood, appearing in some teenage bands, and finally he found himself in computer music.

Working with numerous granular loops with automated controllers for filters, effects and pitches, Dave is creating very solid, stylish and beautiful ambient techno. Maybe somehow and sometimes it's a little bit too minimal, but we still enjoy it very much.

Pieces Of The Broken Road can be a perfect sequel for the ambient album Provisions For The Restless Hour, released in 2006 at Sine3pm. Don't forget to check it too.

Special thanks to Dave Zeal for the amazing cover art.

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