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CerebralAudio : Past Future

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Catalog number
Playtime: 01:10:47 - 320kb/s - 132.72 MB
Date released
Date published
2016/11/03 04:34h



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Release Notes

This is CerebralAudio's second in a series of re-releases of Ambelion's
back catalog. Ambelion approached us about re-releasing these works in
the hope that we would be able to gather more attention to his work, and
improve on the packaging and mastering of his work: in essence bringing
new life to his relatively unknown and neglected work.

Having being familiar with Waiting For Quarters, there was immediate
interest in listening to the works that Ambelion had previously
released. He sent us two releases: Quasi-Stationary and Past Future.
It didn't take much for us to agree that these works needed to be heard,
and Ambelion needs to be appreciated by a more receptive audience.

So, Past Future is the second of these releases. In the future we are
working on several more releases from his back catalog, including the
potential release of some previously un-released tracks.

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