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12rec : Orange Album

Released on
Catalog number
Playtime: 51:13 - 192kb/s - 57.62 MB
Date published
2009/09/14 15:41h



Give Love
Give Rubel ?

Release Notes

In the past two years, Moritz has been busy studying arts at the famous KHM in Cologne; nevertheless, he didn't loose his aim to release his album somewhere someday. Several fine-tuning, collaborations and mastering-sessions later, he was finally able to draw a line under the production, and here it is!Being part of the Heidelberg downbeat-scene, Moritz started pretty smooth. He soon developed his style for the great glitch-wave swapped over from the UK and tracks became more abstract. The 'Orange Album' manages to keep the fragile balance between IDM-experiments and an idea of round-the-corner pop. Due to that, Moritz proves himself as a master of styles. Beneath the unique atmosphere, he turns from noisy ambient to minimal house, switches to some smooth techno-tunes und fades elegant from hiphop to electronica. The LP features a guest production of David Moufang alias Move D, some guitar playing by Matthias Conrad and additional glitches from 12rec.'s own Jens Grünhagen (aka Lunte of Sichtbeton).

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