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camada netlabel : Oh!, rey

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Catalog number
Playtime: 13:35 - 320kb/s - 25.47 MB
Date published
2010/04/12 22:29h



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Release Notes

La camada alumbra al primer cachorro, el inolvidable Sibilio. Cinco temas que delimitan un espacio, el del house , alcanzable desde el perímetro, bien a costa del deep, el techno, las cuerdas vibrantes, los vocales tratados, el Fado, las trompetas o las entrañas de la profunda Andalucía.

The camada gives birth to the first cub, the unforgettable Sibilio, and what a release! four themes that draw up the boundaries of a space: House… reachable only from the perimeter at the expense of the deepness, Techno music, vibrating strings, modified vocals, Fado, trumpets or the entrails of deep Andalusia.

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