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fish recordings : Ogonek - Brome

Released on
Catalog number
Playtime: 5:42 - 320kb/s - 10.69 MB
Date released
Date published
2009/11/24 00:01h



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Release Notes

just imagine the following situation: a real geek sitting in front ofhis computer on a friday evening (no money to go out, no friends at alland naturally no girl to have some "fun" with) and racking hisbrain`s in order to get an awesome promo-text out of his head for therelease of the century...i tell you something: i am speaking of myself, the name of the trackdoes not bring any ideas to my head. neither does the artist's name. i could tell you how magnificient and gorgeous the track is, i could tellyou about the ingenuity of the artist, and i could tell you abouti-dont-know-what but fuck that! just download ogonek's "brome" and check it outby yourself. it is for free, so get it on, pump up the volume and partylike a rockstar!btw: three famous quotes have been used in the last sentence. just tellus on our myspace by whom they are and win an autograph by dj zoidberg!

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